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[apache-talk] directory index

Уважаемые специалисты. Помогите разобраться!!!

Что то я мучался мучался - так и не понял как запретить выдачу содержимого
директории при отсутствии индексного файла описаного в DirectoryIndex.
Хочется добиться того, чтобы при обращении к любой директории, в которой нет
индексного файла выдавалась либо 403-я, либо 404-я, либо чистая страница с
подписью сервера.

Server: Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) PHP/4.0.4pl1 rus/PL30.0

Ниже привожу httpd.conf:

PidFile logs/
ScoreBoardFile logs/httpd.scoreboard
LockFile logs/httpd.lock
## httpd.conf -- Apache HTTP server configuration file
ServerType standalone
ResourceConfig /usr/local/apaches/phpmysql/conf/srm.conf
AccessConfig /usr/local/apaches/phpmysql/conf/access.conf
TypesConfig /usr/local/apaches/phpmysql/conf/mime.types
<IfModule mod_mime_magic.c>
    MIMEMagicFile /usr/local/apaches/phpmysql/conf/magic
Timeout 150
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 16
KeepAliveTimeout 32
MinSpareServers 1
MaxSpareServers 1
StartServers 1
MaxClients 32
MaxRequestsPerChild 8
ExtendedStatus On
User user
Group user
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm index.shtml
AccessFileName .htaccess
UseCanonicalName On
DefaultType text/plain
#DefaultType application/octet-stream
HostnameLookups Off
LogLevel warn
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\""
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" std
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
LogFormat " " devnull
ErrorLog /home/user/logs/errors.log
ServerSignature EMail
Alias /icons/ "/common/icons/"
ReadmeName README
HeaderName HEADER
# IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t
LanguagePriority ru en
BrowserMatch "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive
BrowserMatch "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0
<IfModule mod_charset.c>
CharsetDecl ISO-8859-5 ru
CharsetDecl ibm866 ru
CharsetDecl windows-1251 ru
CharsetDecl koi8-r ru
CharsetRecodeTable koi8-r ISO-8859-5
CharsetRecodeTable koi8-r ibm866
CharsetRecodeTable koi8-r windows-1251
CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 ISO-8859-5
CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 ibm866
CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 koi8-r
CharsetDecl x-mac-cyrillic ru
CharsetRecodeTable koi8-r x-mac-cyrillic
CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 x-mac-cyrillic
CharsetAgent x-mac-cyrillic Macintosh
CharsetAlias ISO-8859-5 iso_8859-5:1988 iso-ir-144 iso_8859-5 cyrillic
CharsetAlias ISO-8859-5 iso8859-5 iso-8859.5 iso8859.5 iso
CharsetAlias ibm866 csibm866 866 cp866 x-cp866 x-ibm866 cp-866 alt
CharsetAlias windows-1251 win x-cp1251 cp1251 cp-1251
CharsetAlias koi8-r koi-8-r koi8 koi-8 koi
CharsetPriority windows-1251 koi8-r ISO-8859-5 ibm866 # x-mac-cyrillic
CharsetDefault windows-1251
CharsetSourceEnc windows-1251
CharsetSelectionOrder Portnumber Useragent Hostname UriHostname EnvVariable
#CharsetByExtension windows-1251 .htm
#AddHandler strip-meta-http .htm
CharsetAgent windows-1251 AIR_Mosaic IWENG/1 MSIE WinMosaic (Windows (WinNT;
CharsetAgent windows-1251 (Win16; (Win95; (16-bit) Opera/3.0
CharsetAgent koi8-r Arena Ariadna OmniWeb Sextant PRD (X11 Lynx/
CharsetAgent ibm866 DosLynx Lynx2/OS/2
CharsetBadAgent arena Lynx/2.0 Lynx/2.1 Lynx/2.2 Lynx/2.3 Lynx/2.4 "MSIE
2.0;" Lynx2/OS/2
#CharsetErrReject on
#CharsetUseMultiViews off
#CharsetRecodeHeaders on
CharsetRecodeFilenames Off
CharsetByPort koi8-r 8100
CharsetByPort windows-1251 8101
CharsetByPort ibm866 8102
CharsetByPort iso-8859-5 8103
CharsetByPort x-mac-cyrillic 8104
#CharsetBrokenAccept "Mozilla/4." "iso-8859-1,*,utf-8"
#CharsetStrictURIMatch On
CharsetRecodeMultipartforms Off
php_value include_path "/home/stdcgi/include:.:/home/user/php"
# STDCGI START x-auto-generated
        php_value mysql.default_user "user"
        php_value mysql.default_password "pA9nd3Yk"
        php_value mysql.default_host "localhost:/tmp/stdcgi.sock"
<IfModule mod_env.c>
        SetEnv STDCGI_DB "user"
###            VIRTUAL HOSTS CONFIG              ###

 ServerName test
 ServerAlias test2
 ServerAdmin test@xxxxxxxxx
 DocumentRoot /home/user/docs
 DirectoryIndex index.php index.shtml index.html index.htm
 ErrorLog /home/user/logs/errors.log
 CustomLog /home/user/logs/access.log common
 HostnameLookups Off
 ErrorDocument 404 /404.htm
 DefaultType text/plain
 AddType text/html .shtml
 AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
 AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/home/user/cgi/"
 ScriptAlias /cgi/ "/home/user/cgi/"
        Alias /stdcgi/ "/home/stdcgi/docs/"
 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
 AddType application/x-httpd-php .html
 <IfModule mod_charset.c>
 CharsetDefault windows-1251
 CharsetSourceEnc windows-1251
С уважением,

=               Apache-Talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx mailing list                      =
Mail "unsubscribe apache-talk" to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx if you want to quit.
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"Russian Apache" includes software developed by the Apache Group for use in the Apache HTTP server project ( See Apache LICENSE.
Copyright (C) 1995-2001 The Apache Group. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C) 1996 Dm. Kryukov; Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Alex Tutubalin. Design (C) 1998 Max Smolev.